The quality of life in patient with low back pain referral Ardabil's clinics 2003

Document Type : Original Article


1 Instructor, Faculty Member, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, School of Nursing and Midwifery

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty Member of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences


Background: Low back pain is one of the most common health complications in different community that 50% -80% of people of world had low back pain once time in life. Chronic low back pain has a complication such as social, individual ,economical, emotional and ... in people and effect in quality of life among patinas. The aim of this study was determination quality of life among patient of chronic low back pain.
Materials and Method: In this prospective study, 91 patients With chronic low back pain who were that admitted physiotherapy To clinics in Ardabil and were studied data were collected by qestionaire (9steps).
Finding: In This Study results shows that 46 (51.7%) of patient had selfcare. 31(34.4°%) of patient had pain by lifting heavy things, 27(30%) had low back pain by stepping over l km/day, 24(27.2%) can not set down over l hour, 26(29.9%) of patients couldn't stand over 10 minutes, 40(47.1%) of patient had low backe pain on traveling, 47(66.7°%) didn't have good sleeping, 22(28.9%) had pain after sexual activity, and 35 (40.2%) had complication in social activity.
Conclusion: results showed that patient with chronic low back pain need education to control complications and improve their quality of life.
